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Take free online Medicare compliance training today with SC Training (formerly EdApp)!

Want to make sure your teams are Medicare compliant? Use our free training platform to deliver ready-made Medicare compliance training courses straight to your teams.

Medicare compliance training

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Compliance Course Library - SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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What is Medicare compliance?

Medicare compliance is all about being in line with Medicare legislation to guarantee high-quality and sustainable healthcare services to customers. Part of this includes patient data safety, clinically relevant healthcare, organized health records, and more. Staff and teams need to be Medicare-compliant to ensure the company is running up to standard.

Medicare compliance training - What is Medicare compliance
Medicare compliance training - Why is Medicare compliance important

Why is Medicare compliance important?

Noncompliance with Medicare standards may result in fines, potential court action, reputation damage, and several administrative bottlenecks that will cost company resources. But, more importantly, becoming Medicare-compliant helps avoid unwanted fraud and streamlines all related processes for maximum efficiency.

What is Medicare compliance training?

Medicare compliance training is any kind of learning course that tackles laws and regulations related to Medicare that are relevant to your employee’s jobs. These courses can cover anything from fraud and abuse to kinds of hazard communication. Healthcare is also such a complicated issue and compliance training is the best way to understand all of the ins and outs.

Medicare compliance training - What is Medicare compliance training
Medicare compliance training - The benefits of free Medicare compliance training

The benefits of free Medicare compliance training

  • Free Medicare training saves time, resources, and effort on training costs. No need to hire or find resource people to help your employees understand Medicare compliance
  • Creates a culture of informed compliance backed up by informative training materials
  • Protects the reputation of your organization which directly affects your bottom line
  • Mitigate the risks and hazards of noncompliance like security and data breaches
  • Avoid unwanted fines from non-compliance

What are some of the common mistakes that organizations make when conducting Medicare compliance training?

One of the most common mistakes organizations make when conducting Medicare training courses is failing to tailor fit training to the audience. 

For example, providers need to understand the Medicare billing guidelines, while patients need to be aware of the different types of Medicare coverage. 

Additionally, organizations often underestimate the amount of time necessary to conduct comprehensive training. Trainers need to be prepared to answer questions and address any misunderstandings. 

Finally, Medicare compliance training should be repeated on an ongoing basis in order to ensure that all employees remain up to date on the latest changes.

Medicare compliance training - Common mistakes that organizations make when conducting Medicare compliance training
Medicare compliance training - What are the topics covered in Medicare compliance training

What are the topics covered in Medicare compliance training?

Topics that should be covered in Medicare online training include: 

  • Understanding the Medicare program and the different parts 
  • All rules and regulations for billing and submitting claims 
  • Fulfilling the  requirements for maintaining Medicare compliance
  • Recognizing and reporting any potential fraud or abuse
  • Compliance training should also include information on how to respond to a Medicare audit.

Deliver Medicare compliance training to your team today.

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