EdApp by SafetyCulture

Make ready-made content feel like your own with our course library

Customize any of our 1,000+ courses to jumpstart your workplace learning. So you can deliver branded training to your teams in minutes – all for free.

Jumpstart training with fully editable courses

Deliver pre-made courses to your teams in minutes. All while matching your organization's branding and messaging. So your teams get access to expertly-made content – that look and sound like your brand.

Editable course library

Explore new courses every week

Can’t find a course that works for you? Let us know! Our team of experts and our industry partners are always adding new content to our course library. So you can brand and deliver content to your teams in real-time.

Always growing

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Try Create with AI

No need to start a course from scratch again. Select 'Create with AI' to generate content for an entire course. Then, review, add your branding, and deliver training to your teams 3x faster than ever before.

Courses for every team

Created in partnership with leading organizations

Learn from the best in the business. With partnered courses created by leaders like AXA Climate and Thai cave rescue diver John Volanthen, deliver the newest techniques and industry best practices to your teams in a click of a button.

Partner content

Certified by your industry experts

Deliver accredited courses to your team in minutes. With certified courses created by organizations like HACCP International and automatic completion tracking, your teams can be compliant by default.

Mini course generators - SC Training (formerly EdApp) Course Library

And the best part? Your team can complete courses anytime, anywhere, on any device.

or book a demo with us today!